Energy Exists in Various forms like mechanical energy,electrical
energy, thermal energy & so on. One Form of Energy Can be Converted
into another form by suitable arrangements. Out of these forms,electrical
energy is Preferred due to the following reasons-
1.It can be easily transported from one form to another.
2.Losses in Energy Transportation are minimum.
3.It can be easily controlled and regulated to suit
4.It can be easily Converted
into other forms of energy
5. It Can be easily sub-divided.
-In all powert stations, electric energy is generated from
other forms of energy e.g.
(i)Chemical energy of Fuel( Thermal Energy),
(ii) Energu of falling water (hydraulic energy),
(iii) Atomatic Energy (Nuclear Energy)
According to power stations are classified as:
A.Thermal Power Stations
B.Hydro-Electric Power Stations
C.Nuclear Power Stations